The inaugural English Week held from 29th January to 2nd February just before the Chinese New Year holidays was an incredible success, as students and teachers came together to celebrate and promote the English language in a fun and engaging manner. The week was filled with a variety of activities that left a lasting impact on everyone involved.
In class competitions with their winners participating in the Interclass competitions provided a platform for all students to showcase their language skills and teamwork. Spelling Bee, Calligraphy, Talent Show, and Just A Minute (JAM) brought out the best in each participant and instilled a sense of healthy competition.
During lunch breaks, students eagerly participated in language-based activities and games that not only entertained but also improved their vocabulary, grammar and speaking skills. The week started with STORY-TELLING by teachers followed by FRUIT RECOGNITION game, SONG DEDICATION made by students to teachers, friends and to the school, Ipad matching games related to countries, flags and languages, Chinese New Year related vocabularies and the highlight activity of the week INTERVIEWING TEACHERS. These games and activities created a playful atmosphere, encouraging students to explore the intricacies of the English language.
Another highlight of the week was undoubtedly the English Carnival co-organised with Wall Street English, offering a plethora of language-themed games and activities that provided a vibrant and immersive experience for all students. Selected students also got to participate in a speaking workshop at Wall Street English Centre.
No one can deny that the Hall Assembly held for all students was the most exciting afternoon students would have had this year. The winners of the Talent Show got a chance to showcase their talents to students of other forms as well. Following that, our principal distributed certificates and gift coupons to the winners of the interclass competitions. To add an element of surprise, a pop-up quiz was held, challenging students' knowledge of famous personalities, sayings, quotes and jokes that were displayed around the school campus. This quiz sparked excitement as students got their gifts instantly for giving out the correct answers.
The 1st ever English Week proved to be a resounding success, fostering a love for the English language among students. It created a positive environment for language learning and showcased the immense talent and enthusiasm of the student body. The event will undoubtedly become a cherished tradition in the years to come.
午膳期間,同學亦踴躍參與各種英語活動和遊戲。由老師帶領的說故事活動開始,接著有水果辨識遊戲、點唱站、運用iPad進行國家、國旗、語言和農曆新年相關詞彙的配對遊戲,以及重頭戲 ─訪問老師的環節。我們期望透過這些互動,提升同學日常的詞彙量和口語表達能力。
與Wall Street English合辦的英語嘉年華English Carnival,提供了多姿多彩,富有娛樂性質的攤位遊戲。於嘉年華被選中的學生,更有機會參加由Wall Street English舉辦的口語工作坊。