In March this year, some of our S1 to S4 students attended the 1st Artificial Intelligence (AI) Creative Writing Contest workshop conducted by Dr. David Woo in our school and learnt how to generate English sentences using coding.
After the workshop they submitted their short story entries for the Creative Writing Contest held by Precious Blood Secondary School.
The following students’ entries were selected and awarded the 1st and 2nd prizes.

More detail about the contest and the the prize winners entries can be found in the following google site:

Congratulations to the winners and appreciation to all the participants for their effort.
We look forward to holding more interesting workshops for our students in the future to encourage them to participate in more English activities and competitions.
第一屆AI 英語創意寫作大賽結果
今年三月,本校部分中一至中四學生參加由胡博士在本校舉辦的第一屆AI 英語創意寫作大賽及工作坊,學習如何使用編碼生成英文句子。
第一名:4C 鄧添豪,獲得書券1000元及證書一張
第二名:4C 鄭雄偉,獲得書券500元及證書一張